Monthly Archives: October 2014


Tak salah lagi, kabinet baru dan posturnya, itulah tindak lanjut
yang paling ditunggu-tunggu khalayak seusai dilantiknya
Joko Widodo sebagai Presiden dan Jusuf Kalla sebagai Wakil Presiden
pada tanggal 20 Oktober yang lalu.

Tanggal 26 Oktober 2014, hari Minggu menjelang malam, 
bertempat di taman tengah Istana Negara, Jakarta,
Presiden Joko Widodo pun mengumumkan nama-nama menteri
untuk kabinetnya, periode kepresidenan 2014-2019


(Foto Prabowo)

(Foto Prabowo)

Saat menyampaikan pengumuman, Presiden Joko Widodo
didampingi Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla,
beserta Ibu Negara dan Ibu Wakil Presiden.


(Foto Asril)

(Foto Asril)

Di luar dugaan umum, nama kabinet bukanlah ”Kabinet Trisakti” 
sebagaimana sudah sering disebut-sebut, dan menjadi bagian penting dari
rumusan ”Visi, Misi dan Program Aksi” Jokowi – JK sejak masa
kampanye sebagai Calon Presiden dan Calon Wakil Presiden
Nama yang dipilih ialah 

Namun, sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh Jokowi sendiri,
Kabinet Kerja adalah implementasi filosofi Trisakti Bung Karno
yang sudah sangat dikenal dan kental patriotismenya itu.
Dan, tentu saja, nama tersebut, khususnya kata ‘Kerja’ yang tercantum
di dalamnya, sangat mencerminkan karakter Jokowi-JK.

Dalam foto di atas tampak ke-34 Menteri Kabinet Kerja, termasuk
4 Menko dan Kepala lembaga setingkat Menteri, bergambar bersama

dengan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden seusai pengumuman.
Semuanya kompak berkemeja putih.


Retno LP Marsudi, Menteri Luar Negeri

Retno LP Marsudi, Menteri Luar Negeri

Untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah Republik Indonesia,
jabatan Menteri Luar Negeri dipercayakan kepada seorang perempuan. 
Retno LP Marsudi, terakhir sebagai Duta Besar Republik Indonesia
untuk Kerajaan Belanda, mendapat kehormatan dari Presiden Jokowi
untuk menjalankan tugas tersebut.


Berikut Susunan ‘Kabinet Kerja’ Jokowi-JK:

1. Menteri Sekretaris Negara: Pratikno
2. Kepala Bappenas: Andrinof Chaniago
3. Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman: Indroyono Soesilo
4. Menteri Perhubungan: Ignasius Jonan
5. Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan: Susi Pudjiastuti
6. Menteri Pariwisata: Arief Yahya
7. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral: Sudirman Said
8. Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan: Tedjo Edy Purdjianto
9. Menteri Dalam Negeri: Tjahjo Kumolo
10. Menteri Luar Negeri: Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi
11. Menteri Pertahanan: Ryamizard Ryacudu
12. Menteri Hukum dan HAM: Yasonna H Laoly
13. Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika: Rudiantara

14. Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara: Yuddy Chrisnandi
15. Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian: Sofyan Djalil
16. Menteri Keuangan: Bambang Brodjonegoro
17. Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara: Rini M Soemarno
18. Menteri Koperasi dan UKM: Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Puspayoga
19. Menteri Perindustrian: Saleh Husin
20. Menteri Perdagangan: Rahmat Gobel
21. Menteri Pertanian: Amran Sulaiman
22. Menteri Ketenagakerjaan: Hanif Dhakiri
23. Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat: Basuki Hadimuljono
24. Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan: Siti Nurbaya
25. Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang: Ferry Mursyidan Baldan
26. Menteri Koordinator Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan: Puan Maharani
27. Menteri Agama: Lukman Hakim Saifuddin
28. Menteri Kesehatan: Nila F Moeloek
29. Menteri Sosial: Khofifah Indar Parawansa
30. Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak: Yohana Yambise
31. Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah: Anies Baswedan
32. Menteri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi: M Nasir
33. Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga: Imam Nahrawi
34. Menteri Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi: Marwan Jafar



Untuk pertama kalinya juga dalam sejarah RI
kursi untuk menteri perempuan merupakan yang terbanyak.
Seluruhnya ada 8 menteri perempuan dalam kabinet ini.


Susi Pudjiastuti, Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan

Susi Pudjiastuti, Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan

Satu dari ke-8 menteri perempuan tersebut di atas
diketahui tidak hanya tidak bergelar sarjana, tapi juga
tidak sampai menamatkan jenjang pendidikan sekolah menengah atas.
Namun dia terkenal sebagai pengusaha sukses dan berkepribadian unik,
sebagaimana sudah mulai gencar diberitakan oleh media.
Presiden Joko Widodo tentu memiliki pertimbangan matang
untuk memilihnya.

Dia adalah Susi Pudjiastuti, Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan.



Adapun daerah asal para menteri Kabinet Kerja ini
tersebar dari Aceh hingga Papua.

Selanjutnya, menurut rencana, Upacara Pelantikan dilaksanakan
di Istana Negara
pada hari Senin tanggal 27 Oktober 2014,
disusul dengan Sidang Kabinet Paripurna Perdana
di Kantor Presiden.


Buat ”Kabinet Kerja”
Rakyat Indonesia mengucapkan
”Selamat Bekerja!


sebagaimana diikuti dari Nagoya
Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014
Henri Daros




(Photo KompasImages)

(Photo KompasImages)

The Result of 2014 Indonesian Presidential Election
July 22, 2014

Joko Widodo (Jokowi), President Elect
Jusuf Kalla (JK), Vice President Elect



The New National Leadership
The Presidential Inauguration
Jakarta, October 20, 2014

(Photo Courtesy Samarang Winata)

(Photo Courtesy Samarang Winata)

Joko Widodo
The New President of the Republic of Indonesia
2014  – 2019




Joko Widodo, the 7th President
Jusuf Kalla, Vice President (the 12th)
2014 – October 20 – 2019



Buat Presiden dan Wakil Presiden yang baru 
 Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia  mengucapkan
”Selamat Berbakti”


Nagoya, Japan
October 20, 2014
Henri Daros




The Nozomi No. 200 superexpress, Wednesday’s first bullet train departure from Shin-Osaka Station, is sent off with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. | KYODO


The Japan Times
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The bullet train, an iconic symbol of Japan’s postwar economic boom, marked 50 years of service on Wednesday with a celebratory ceremony at Tokyo Station.

A state-of-the-art N700A bullet train left the station bound for Fukuoka at 6 a.m., witnessed by officials of Central Japan Railway Co. (JR Tokai) and special invitees born the same year as the shinkansen.

Similar ceremonies were held in Shizuoka, Nagoya and Osaka.

Bullet trains got their start on the Tokaido Shinkansen Line, which revolutionized the country’s transportation network when it began service on Oct. 1, 1964, nine days before the opening of the Tokyo Olympics.

It was the world’s fastest train, with a top speed of 210 kph, cutting the 515-km route between Tokyo and Osaka to four hours.

Shinkansen trains now travel the route at up to 270 kph and take just two hours and 25 minutes to connect the metropolises. The top speed will be raised to 285 kph next spring.

The line has carried a remarkable 5.6 billion passengers and its trains have covered a cumulative 2 billion km, the equivalent of 50,000 trips around the Earth. An average of 424,000 passengers use it every day, compared with over 60,000 during its first year.

The shinkansen “is representative of Japanese technology and the embodiment of the powers of many companies,” JR Tokai President Koei Tsuge said at the Tokyo Station ceremony. “We will continue to deliver safer, more comfortable and more precise-time transportation.”

Subsequent shinkansen lines extended the network across Japan as far as Aomori Prefecture in the north and Kagoshima Prefecture in the southwest.

More lines are under construction or in the planning stage, including a next-generation magnetically levitated train, which JR Tokai is expected to start working on next year.

If all goes according to plan, it will link Nagoya and Shinagawa Station in Tokyo in just 40 minutes starting in 2027, and will run at speeds of up to 500 kph.





The 60th Nagoya Festival

Photo courtesy of Nagoya City
Photo courtesy of Nagoya City

The Nagoya Festival is Nagoya’s largest festival. The festival’s main attraction is its parade, but there are also events at Oasis 21, Hisayaodori Park, and other spots around the City. The festival’s main attraction is its parade with the procession of Nagoya’s 3 local feudal lords, Nobunaga ODA, Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, and Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, along with 600 mounted soldiers, foot soldiers, entertainers, and dancers.

The parade is done over two different routes over two days and features dashi (festival floats) & kagura floats (both city cultural assets), a children’s “mikoshi” parade, sister city parade, and a flower car parade. The Sunday parade is the bigger of the two. Secure your free roadside spot early to get a prime view of the planned samurai battle re-enactments (marked with X on the map). In case of rain the parades will be cancelled. There are also special events at Oasis 21 in Sakae and Hisaya Odori Park in Yaba-cho.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the festival, and on Friday the 17th there will be an evening festival to celebrate. You’ll be able to enjoy cuisine from Nagoya such as kishimen, ankake pasta, and miso katsu, as well as sake. On Saturday the 18th, see dashi floats decorated with beautiful lanterns parade the streets. At Nagoya Castle, a karakuri performance will also be held.

★Saturday, October 18
The head of the parade departs Nagoya Station at approx 13:40, going via Sasashima – Spiral Tower, Fushimi, and Sakae – Mitsukoshi, before arriving at Yaba-cho. The back of the parade arrives at Yaba-cho at approximately 16:30.

★Sunday, October 19
The head of the parade departs Shiyakusho (City Hall) at approx 10:45, going via Sakuradori Otsu and Sakae – Mitsukoshi, before arriving at Yaba-cho. The back of the parade arrives at Yaba-cho at approximately 15:20.


Horikawa Water Magic Festival


A number of water bus tours between Nayabashi and Asahibashi, will be held over two days. Combined with walking, these boat rides will take you to Nagoya Castle, and Shikemichi. The Nagoya City Science Museum tour, perfect for kids and parents, will be held as well. There will also be a creator’s market and more around Nayabashi. On the same days, you can also enjoy the Endoji Paris Festival.

When: Sat. 11 Oct. and Sun. 12 Oct. throughout the day.
Information: Call 052-522-0025 (Japanese).


Endoji Autumn Paris Festival 2014


Once again, a fun weekend is planned for this year’s festival. There will be stalls and artists from within and outside Aichi Prefecture, turning Endoji into a French shopping district where people mingle, enjoy shopping and conversation.

When: Sat. 11 Oct. and Sun. 12 Oct.
Where: Endoji Shopping District (円頓寺商店街), East arcade.
Access: A short walk from Kokusai Center Station (国際センター駅) on the Sakuradori Subway Line (地下鉄桜通線).
Further Information: and


Konpiraguusama Festival


An autumn festival for the local shrine that protects the Endoji Shopping District. There will be omikuji (paper fortune, in Nagoya dialect) and other events.

When: Thu. 9 Oct. and Fri. 10 Oct.
Where: Endoji Shopping District (円頓寺商店街), Konpira Shrine (金刀比羅神社)
Access: A short walk from Kokusai Center Station (国際センター駅) on the Sakuradori Subway Line (地下鉄桜通線)


Hanaguruma Shinmeisha Festival – Gathering of the Floats  [ 花車神明社例大祭 山車揃え ]

This is a long established parade with a history of around 200 years! In the morning, three floats will make their way through their respective neighbourhoods. In the evening, they assemble together, decorated with beautiful lanterns which light up the floats – where a karakuri performance is offered. At about 9pm, the three floats part and make their way back home. The sight of the majestic floats as they sway in the beauty of the evening dark and lights to the echo of the karakuri performance’s music, is a sight not to be missed. This is a great opportunity to see some local history, with roots right in the centre of Nagoya!

When: Sat. 11 Oct. Will be postponed to Sun. 12 Oct. in the event of rain.

At approx. 9:00, they will be pulled around the Meieki 1-Chome (名駅1丁目) and Meieki Minami 5-Chome (名駅南5丁目) areas.
Karakuri Offering
At approx. 19:00, at the Shinmei Shrine. Meieki 5-13-6, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya City (名古屋市中村区名駅5丁目13番6号)

Access: A short walk from Kokusai Center Station (国際センター駅) on the Sakuradōri Subway Line (地下鉄桜通線).


Mino Washi Akari Art (Creative Lantern) Contest and Exhibition [ 美濃和紙あかりアート ]

Photo Courtesy of Mino City Tourism Association
Photo Courtesy of Mino City Tourism Association

See the old streets of Mino light up with these artistic lamps and works made with washi (traditional Japanese paper). The exhibition is in its twenty-first year and the quality of the winning entries to date have been of an outstanding caliber. It’s only on show for two days, and it’s definitely worth the trip! Surround yourself with these beautiful works on a pleasant autumn evening. A truly memorable and traditional experience.

When: Sat. 11 Oct. and Sun. 12 Oct. (17:00 – 21:00)
Where: Near Mino City Station (美濃市駅), Gifu
Access: From Nagoya, take the Express Nagoya Meitetsu Bus (高速名古屋線バス) from the Bus Center (バスセンター) and alight at Udatsu-no-machinami-dori (うだつの町並み通り) and walk for approximately 1 minute. If you go by train, it’s approximately a 10-minute walk from Mino City Station (美濃市駅) on the Nagaragawa-tetsudo (長良川鉄道)
Cost: Free


The 35th Komaki Shimin Matsuri


The 35th Komaki Shimin Matsuri is themed “Expanding the Circle of Friendship” and will be held on the third weekend of October. There will be a character show, balloon art, product shows, and parades. It’s an event where both children and adults can enjoy themselves in a fun atmosphere!
At the same time, the Komakiyama Interpreters Volunteer Group will be holding tours in English, to give English speakers the opportunity to learn more about the area! Tours are free, however reservations are required.

When: Sat. 18 Oct. and Sun. 19 Oct. (10:00 – 16:00)
Where: Komakiyama, City Hall, and in front of the station.
Tours in English: For enquiries and reservations, call the volunteer group on 090-8072-2817 or e-mail


Inazawa Sand Festa 2014

Photo Courtesy of Kisosansen Park
Photo Courtesy of Kisosansen Park

This event is a huge attraction for anyone who appreciates immaculately crafted sand sculptures. Held annually, the event attracted around 50,000 people! This year’s theme for the competition is “An important message to someone/something”. A message to family, a friend, an onlooker, the future! Sculptures are sized up to 3m x 3m. See how the creativity of the sand sculptors handles this year’s challenge!

When: Sat. 11 Oct. and Sun. 12 Oct. (10:00 – 15:30)
Where: Sario Park Sobue (Kokuei Kiso Sansen Koen Wild Nature Plaza, Ken-ei Kisogawa Sobue Greens, Shiei Sobue Wild Nature Greens) – Aichi-ken Inazawa-shi Sobue-cho
Access: During the event, a free shuttle bus will be in operation from Meitetsu Morikami Station (名鉄森上駅). By car, 15 minutes from Hashima (羽島) IC on the Meishin Expressway (名神高速道路).
Cost: Free
More information:


World Collaboration Festival 2014


Chubu’s largest international exchange event is now in its 11th year! Learn about causes for the good of multicultural harmony, watch on-stage music and dance performances from around the world, as well as booths presented by NGOs and NPOs. All are welcome and admission is free! No reservations are required.

When: Sat. 25 Oct. and Sun. 26 Oct.
Where: Oasis 21 in Sakae (both days 10:00 – 18:00)


Yattokame Cultural Festival


A cultural and historical festival of Nagoya, with traditional cultural performances. A number of lectures and workshops on the history and culture of the city, tours of famous sights and attractions will also be held.

When: Fri. 31 Oct. through Mon. 24 Nov.

Opening Event: A grand stage event filled with laughter and fun!
When: Fri. 31 Oct. from 18:00
Where: Midland Square B1 Atrium Event Space

Cultural Presentations:
A number of events including theatre, comedy, traditional music and more at various locations in the city every day.
When: Between Sat. 1 Nov. to Mon. 24 Nov. For detailed times, check the below website.

Stage Performances:
Nine presentations of Noh, traditional Japanese Kyogen comic theatre, and others will be performed. For detailed tiems, check the below website.

Lectures and Workshops:
Talks and workshops on the history and traditional cultures of the city, the historic buildings of Nagoya will be held. For detailed tiems, check the below website.

Historical Tour of the City:
In addition to the twenty-three courses from last year’s festival, an additional thirteen course have been newly added to make it an even more engaging experience.



The Three Feudal Lords and Nagoya

Image of Tokugawa Ieyasu from the Nagoya City Museum Collection
Image of Tokugawa Ieyasu from the Nagoya City Museum Collection

The three warlords, also known as san’eiketsu (三英傑), all from Aichi Prefecture who aimed to unify Japan in the Warring States era, are an integral part of Japanese history. They are Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu. At this exhibition, chronologically arranged displays will help you learn more about the paths they took which led to the unification. Paintings, old manuscripts and weapons which have been collected by the museum over the last forty years will also be on display.

When: Sat. 25 Oct. to Sun. 30 Nov. (9:30 – 17:00). Closed on 27,28 Oct., and 4, 10, 17, 25 Nov. Last entry 30 minutes prior to closing times.
Where: Nagoya City Museum (名古屋市博物館)
Access: A 5-minute walk from Sakurayama Station (桜山駅) Exit 4 (4番出口) on the Sakuradori Subway Line (地下鉄桜通線).
Cost: Adults 800 (600) Yen; Senior HS and College Students 400 (200) Yen; Junior HS Students and under gain free entry. Prices in brackets are for groups of 20 or more.
Information: Call 052-853-2655 or fax 052-853-3636.


NIC Celebrates Its 30th Anniversary This Month!


On the 12th of October, NIC celebrates its 30th birthday! Thanks to everyone’s support, we have been able to provide the community with a valuable service. We look forward to continuing our efforts and being there for you in the future!


Please be aware that all aforementioned event times, locations, and prices are subject to change without notice.


( NIC Events Information )
henri daros



Japan Today, September 30, 2014


The suddenness of the eruption of Japan’s Mount Ontake volcano is an extremely rare phenomenon which makes it impossible to take precautionary measures, French volcanologist Jacques-Marie Bardintzeff says.

After 35 years without a major eruption, the 3,067-meter volcano in central Japan reawakened on Saturday, spewing a deadly blanket of ash, rocks and steam down slopes popular with hikers.

Bardintzeff, of the Universities of Paris-Sud Orsay and Cergy-Pontoise, said in an interview that such sudden eruptions were rare.

“In general when a volcano becomes actives, certainly after 30 or 40 years (of dormancy) which is short, we normally expect 24 to 72 hours of warning, The magma moves, micro-seismic movement is registered.. there are changes in temperature.”

Normally that is enough time to alert people living in the area to evacuate or to ban access to the site in a tourist area, he explained.

However, eruptions which occur with only minutes of warning are not unknown.

The Ontake eruption, in which more than 30 people are feared to have died, was not only sudden but was particularly dangerous as there were so many people about on a busy weekend.

The mountain is popular with hikers, particularly in late September when the autumn colors make for dramatic scenery.

“A combination of factors turn this into a catastrophe,” said Bardintzeff, adding that there were different explanations for the unexpected eruption. “The magma could have found a crack which allowed it to rise up in a single stroke. This is very rare.”

There is also another feared type of eruption called hydrovolcanic or phreatomagmatic eruptions.

“Often there are pockets of water in volcanoes. When the magma rises and a wave of heat accompanies it. The water can be quickly vaporised, creating high pressure like in a pressure cooker.

“If this pressure is greater than the resistance of the earth above it, all the rocks are pulverised into fragments known as cinder bombs,” the volcanologist explained.

This type of eruption is particularly dangerous precisely because of the speed of events, with no real signs of what is about to happen.

Without more sophisticated seismological equipment than is currently available “unfortunately we are helpless,” in such cases, Bardintzeff said.

For the time being no hypothesis has been confirmed as the reason behind the sudden Japanese eruption.

Mount Ontake is a classic Japanese volcano, he explained.

“Japan is a land of volcanoes, with a complex geodynamic system. There are many which erupt in turn.”

They are usually of an explosive nature and the plumes of ash and smoke 11 kilometers high, seen in the latest case, are reasonably standard, he added.

“What is exceptional is the fact that it was so sudden.”

© 2014 AFP


Smoke rises from Mount Ontake, which straddles
the Nagano-Gifu prefectural border [ AFP-JIJI ]