Monthly Archives: November 2014




The Chapel of Logos Center, on the base floor of Logos Center Bldg, Nagoya Campus of Nanzan University, on Saturday evening, November 29, 2014, after Mass Celebration of  the First Sunday of Advent (Photo Henri Daros)

The Chapel of Logos Center, on the base floor of Logos Center Bldg, Nagoya Campus of Nanzan University, on Saturday evening, November 29, 2014, after Mass Celebration of the First Sunday of Advent (Photo Henri Daros)


Masa Adven 2014
dibuka dengan Perayaan Misa pada Sabtu malam,
tanggal 29 November, dalam suasana yang syahdu dan teduh,
di Kapel Logos Center, Kampus Nanzan, Nagoya.
Tibalah saatnya untuk bersiap-siap menyambut Natal.

Namun bukan sekadar menunggu ‘Chronos’,
terpaku pada suatu tanggal tertentu menurut kalender,
tapi senantiasa siaga dan terbuka menyambut ‘Kairos’,
saat penuh berkat dan rahmat,
kapan saja, di mana saja.

”Be watchful! Be alert!
You do not know when the time will come”.
(Mark 13:33)


Advent Candles, Logos Center Chapel (Photo Henri Daros)

Advent Candles, Logos Center Chapel (Photo Henri Daros)

Keluar dari gedung Logos Center menuju area tengah kampus,
di sana-sini tampak ‘Christmas Illuminations’ yang baru mulai
dipasang oleh para mahasiswa, meskipun belum selesai …

Sebuah kegiatan rutin tahunan bersamaan dengan
mulainya Masa Adven yang tampaknya
senantiasa menggairahkan semangat anak-anak muda itu,
bukan karena mereka terbilang dalam Komunitas Umat Kristen
(sebab mereka memang non-Kristen)
tapi karena Natal, Christmas atau ‘Kurisumasu’ menurut lidah Nippon,
sudah merupakan peristiwa sipil sekaligus perayaan sosial
buat masyarakat Jepang
dengan pesan damai yang kental-universal.


Christmas illumination ... (Photo Henri Daros)

Christmas illuminations …  the little lamps start twinkling here and there along the campus road …… (Photo Henri Daros)


While the merry dolls hanging ... (Photo Henri Daros)

While the dolls are hanging merrily along the fence … (Photo Henri Daros)


henri daros




Universitas Nanzan, Nagoya, Jepang
Minggu 23 November 2014




Diselenggarakan oleh
Jurusan Studi Asia / Program Studi Indonesia
Fakultas Studi Asing, Universitas Nanzan

Didukung oleh
Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI) Tokyo
dan Para Mahasiswa Indonesia yang tergabung dalam organisasi
Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Komisariat Nagoya




Peserta Lomba Pidato dan Lomba Puisi ini
berasal dari berbagai tempat di Jepang. 
 Terbuka untuk segala kategori tingkat pendidikan
dan latar belakang profesi.

Prof. Mikihiro Moriyama, Ketua Jurusan Studi Asia, memandu acara ... (Foto Henri Daros)

Prof. Mikihiro Moriyama, Ketua Jurusan Studi Asia, memandu acara … (Foto Henri Daros)


Prof. Rimpei Mano, Dekan Fakultas Studi Asing, menyampaikan sambutan pembukaan ... (Foto Henri Daros)

Prof. Rimpei Mano, Dekan Fakultas Studi Asing, menyampaikan sambutan pembukaan … (Foto Henri Daros)


Tampak tiga anggota Tim Juri yang diketuai oleh Prof. Haruya Kagami yang bertempat duduk di tengah ... (Foto Henri Daros)

Tampak tiga anggota Tim Juri yang diketuai oleh Prof. Haruya Kagami yang bertempat duduk di tengah … (Foto Henri Daros)


Lomba Puisi mengisi babak pertama acara tahunan ini …

Ito Kanako membawakan karya klasik Chairil Anwar ''Krawang - Bekasi'' (Foto Henri Daros)

Ito Kanako membawakan karya klasik Chairil Anwar ”Krawang – Bekasi” (Foto Henri Daros)


Loggia Kazu Martin membawakan ''Indonesia, Aku Masih tetap Mencintaimu'' karya Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda (Foto Henri Daros)

Loggia Kazu Martin membawakan ”Indonesia, Aku Masih tetap Mencintaimu” karya Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda (Foto Henri Daros)


Mori Mamiko membawakan ''Jakarta'', puisi Oka Rusmini (Foto Henri Daros)

Mori Mamiko membawakan ”Jakarta”, puisi Oka Rusmini (Foto Henri Daros)


Suzuki Makoto pada gilirannya membawakan juga puisi Oka Rusmini ''Jakarta'' (Foto Henri Daros)

Suzuki Makoto pada gilirannya membawakan juga puisi Oka Rusmini ”Jakarta” (Foto Henri Daros)


Shibano Masahiro membawakan ''Gema Sumpah Pemuda Tahun 1928'' karya Sitor Situmorang (Foto Henri Daros)

Shibano Masahiro membawakan ”Gema Sumpah Pemuda Tahun 1928” karya Sitor Situmorang (Foto Henri Daros)


Ziati Yasmin Emi membawakan karya Emha Ainun Najib ''Antara Tiga Kota'' (Foto Henri Daros)

Ziati Yasmin Emi membawakan karya Emha Ainun Najib ”Antara Tiga Kota” (Foto Henri Daros)


Masuda Shiori membawakan ''Pacar Senja'' karya Joko Pinurbo (Foto Henri Daros)

Masuda Shiori membawakan ”Pacar Senja” karya Joko Pinurbo (Foto Henri Daros)


Hayashi Arisa membawakan karya ciptaan Sapardi Joko Damono ''Dalam Doaku'' (Foto Henri Daros)

Hayashi Arisa membawakan karya ciptaan Sapardi Joko Damono ”Dalam Doaku” (Foto Henri Daros)


Suzuki Tatsuhito membawakan ''Pacar Senja'' karya Joko Pinurbo, yang untuk kedua kalinya dibawakan dalam lomba puisi kali ini (Foto Henri Daros)

Suzuki Tatsuhito membawakan ”Pacar Senja” karya Joko Pinurbo, yang untuk kedua kalinya dibawakan dalam lomba puisi kali ini (Foto Henri Daros)


De Guzman Reuben, peserta terakhir untuk Lomba Puisi, sekaligus orang ketiga yang membawakan ''Pacar Senja'' karya Joko Pinurbo (Foto Henri Daros)

De Guzman Reuben, peserta terakhir untuk Lomba Puisi, sekaligus orang ketiga yang membawakan ”Pacar Senja” karya Joko Pinurbo (Foto Henri Daros)


Saat jeda para penonton / hadirin diberi kesempatan ikut memberikan penilaian, baik terhadap peserta Lomba Puisi maupun untuk peserta Lomba Pidato sesudahnya ... (Foto Henri Daros)

Saat jeda para penonton / hadirin diberi kesempatan ikut memberikan penilaian, baik terhadap peserta Lomba Puisi maupun untuk peserta Lomba Pidato sesudahnya … (Foto Henri Daros)




Yoshimura Serika membawakan pidato berjudul ''Takdirku'' (Foto Henri Daros)

Yoshimura Serika membawakan pidato berjudul ”Takdirku” (Foto Henri Daros)


Yabuno Sayuri berpidato dengan judul berbahasa Sunda ''Da Aku Mah Apa Atuh, Anak Kampung Sih!'' (Foto Henri Daros)

Yabuno Sayuri berpidato dengan judul berbahasa Sunda ”Da Aku Mah Apa Atuh, Anak Kampung Sih!” (Foto Henri Daros)


Yamashita Rinko membawakan pidato berjudul ''Nama Saya Rinso'' ... (Foto Henri Daros)

Yamashita Rinko membawakan pidato berjudul ”Nama Saya Rinso” … (Foto Henri Daros)


Koiwa Shiho menyampaikan pidato berjudul ''Kereta Dingin'' ... (Foto Henri Daros)

Koiwa Shiho menyampaikan pidato berjudul ”Kereta Dingin” … (Foto Henri Daros)


Yamanaka Yuta berpidato dengan judul ''Mau Ke Mana?''

Yamanaka Yuta berpidato dengan judul ”Mau Ke Mana?”


Narita Daiki membawakan pidato berjudul ''Agama Islam dan Orang Indonesia'' (Foto Henri Daros)

Narita Daiki membawakan pidato berjudul ”Agama Islam dan Orang Indonesia” (Foto Henri Daros)


Lee Chung Gi menyampaikan pidato dengan judul ''Pengalaman Saya di Serambi Mekah'' (Foto Henri Daros)

Lee Chung Gi menyampaikan pidato dengan judul ”Pengalaman Saya di Serambi Mekah” (Foto Henri Daros)


Fujita Yusuke berpidato dengan judul ''Keluwesan Islam'' (Henri Daros)

Fujita Yusuke berpidato dengan judul ”Keluwesan Islam” (Henri Daros)


Hosaka Gaku menyampaikan pidato berjudul ''Bebas Miskin'' ... (Foto Henri Daros)

Hosaka Gaku menyampaikan pidato berjudul ”Bebas Miskin” … (Foto Henri Daros)


Tibalah jeda kedua sesudah babak Lomba Pidato berakhir …
Patut disayangkan bahwa ada peserta yang batal hadir
karena mendadak jatuh sakit,  meski sudah lolos
pada tahap kualifikasi awal.

Tim Juri lantas memulai tugasnya untuk memberikan penilaian
memperhitungkan pula penilaian para penonton / hadirin.


'Angklung' oleh sekelompok mahasiswa PPI Nagoya, salah satu atraksi selingan saat jeda ... (Foto Henri Daros)

‘Angklung’ oleh sekelompok mahasiswa PPI Nagoya, salah satu atraksi selingan saat jeda … (Foto Henri Daros)




Prof. Haruya Kagami, Ketua Tim Juri, menyampaikan penjelasan tentang proses penilaian yang dilakukan, yang dilengkapi pula oleh penjelasan kedua anggota tim, disusul dengan pengumuman hasil penilaian ... (Foto Henri Daros)

Prof. Haruya Kagami, Ketua Tim Juri, menyampaikan penjelasan tentang proses penilaian yang dilakukan, yang dilengkapi pula oleh penjelasan kedua anggota tim, disusul dengan pengumuman hasil penilaian … (Foto Henri Daros)


Para Juara Lomba Puisi, dari kiri ke kanan, masing-masing Loggia Kazu Martin (Juara 1), De Guzman Reuben (Juara 2) dan Ito Kanako (Juara 3) ... (Foto Henri Daros)

Para Juara Lomba Puisi, dari kiri ke kanan, masing-masing Loggia Kazu Martin (Juara 1), De Guzman Reuben (Juara 2) dan Ito Kanako (Juara 3) … (Foto Henri Daros)


Para Juara Lomba Pidato, dari kiri ke kanan, masing-masing Yabuno Sayuri (Juara 1), Lee Chung Gi (Juara 2) dan Yamashita Rinko (Juara 3) ... (Foto Henri Daros)

Para Juara Lomba Pidato, dari kiri ke kanan, masing-masing Yabuno Sayuri (Juara 1), Lee Chung Gi (Juara 2) dan Yamashita Rinko (Juara 3) … (Foto Henri Daros)


Seluruh peserta lomba bergambar bersama dengan Tim Juri dan penyelenggara pada akhir acara ... (Foto Henri Daros)

Seluruh peserta lomba bergambar bersama dengan Tim Juri dan penyelenggara pada akhir acara … (Foto Henri Daros)


Nagoya, 23 November 2014

Henri Daros




Korankei Momiji Festival

Photo courtesy of Asuke Tourism Association
Photo courtesy of Asuke Tourism Association

See 11 varieties of some of the most breathtaking autumn foliage of approximately 4,000 trees which line Tomoegawa River. This area is known for having one of the best views in the Tokai area and during the Momiji Festival, the area is also lit up with spectacular lighting from sunset till 21:00.

As well as the usual sightseeing, there will also be tea ceremonies, taiko drums, and monkey performances and you can expect to see a lot of people turn up as always (approx. 400,000 last year!).

When: Sat, 1 Nov. to Sun. 30 Nov.
Where: Asuke-cho in Toyota City
Access: Take the train to Higashi Okazaki Station (東岡崎駅) on the Meitetsu Main Line (名鉄本線) then take a bus to Korankei (香嵐渓) (approx. 70 min)


The Miyajisan Momiji Matsuri

Photo Courtesy of Toyokawa City

Photo Courtesy of Toyokawa City

The festival will be taking place in scenic Toyokawa City where you can enjoy free freshly made sticky rice, or taste a local dish called “Kumosukemeshi” (miso, spring onions and fried bean curd mixed with rice). There will also be a bazaar!

When: From the middle to the end of November.
Where: Around the Miyajisan No.1 Parking Lot area.
Access: By car, approximately 10 minutes from Otowa Gamagori (音羽蒲郡) IC on the Tōmei Expressway (東名高速).


Toyota Machisato Mirai-juku

とよた まちさと ミライ塾

To give everyone the opportunity to experience a wide variety of exciting and engaging activities this program brings you over seventy events from categories including transport, food, history, art, nature and more! By participating in these events, you can experience the area in a whole new way while engaging in a culturally rich exchange with locals.

Learn about traditional Japanese foods like miso, appreciate the autumn foliage, or shout out your dreams while wearing a Japanese armour! If you’re into something a little more subtle, there’s a free pipe organ concert too. To see all the activities, see the website.


Autumn Foliage Viewing: Fri. 7 Nov. to Wed. 12 Nov. everyday 11:00 – 15:00. 2,500 Yen (adults), 2,000 Yen (children). 10 places each trip. Call 0565-83-3838 (in Japanese).

Hands-on Miso and Goheimochi: Sat. 8 Nov. (10:00 – 13:00). 1,000 Yen (adults), 500 Yen (children). 40 places. Call 0565-21-0028 (in Japanese).

Shout Out Your Dreams Wearing a Japanese Armour: Sat. 23 Nov. (13:00 – 17:00). 1,000 Yen. 20 places. Call 0565-37-1015 (in Japanese).

Pipe Organ Concert (No age restrictions. Infants welcome!): Thu. 20 Nov. & Fri. 21 Nov. (11:30 – 12:00). Free admission. Hall capacity 1,004. Call 0565-37-1015 (in Japanese).


A Tale of the Shepherd in Nagoya

Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Art Exhibition Room Photo by Maeda Shinjiro (2014)
Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Art Exhibition Room
Photo by Maeda Shinjiro (2014)

The kanji (Chinese character) for beauty (美) is made up of the kanji for sheep (羊), and big (大). From ancient times it has carried meanings associated with happiness.

In history, sheep have been used to make sacred offerings for certain occasions, and to protect people from disaster. With 2015 (the year of the sheep) approaching, The Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Art brings you this exhibition which traces the “Project of Shepherd” by Inoue Shinta and Maeda Shinjiro. They create depictions of sheep on two-dimensional panels and the such, then install them in public spaces so that they appear to be grazing. Some of the locations include the forest and in the city. Photos and footage of the installations are then taken and put on display. Not only have they had installations in Japan, but also in Germany, Belgium and the People’s Republic of China.

This time, see their sheep grazing around famous tourist spots in Nagoya as well as other back-street locations. Discover a new beauty by coming into contact with these sheep who transcend national borders.

When: Fri. 14 Nov. to Sun. 15 Feb. 2015 (10:00 – 17:30 on weekdays and till 17:00 on weekends and national holidays). Last entry 30 minutes prior to closing times. Closed on Mondays (in the event it falls on a national holiday, closed the next business day instead).
Where: The Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Art (ヤマザキマザック美術館)
Access: Directly connected to Shinsakae-machi Station (新栄町駅) Exit 1 (1番出口) on the Higashiyama Subway Line (地下鉄東山線).
Cost: General Admission 1,000 (800) Yen; Under 18 years of age 500 Yen; Elementary School Students and under gain free entry. Price in brackets is for groups of 10 or more.


Creators Market


Over 4,000 amateur and professional designers will be exhibiting and selling their creations. A wide range of original handmade art, graphics, crafts, interior design, and fashion items will be on sale.

When: Sat. 15 Nov. & Sun. 16 Nov. (11:00 – 18:00)
Where: Port Messe Nagoya Exhibition Hall 2 & 3 (ポートメッセなごや2・3号館)
Access: A 5 minute walk from Kinjo-Futo Station (金城ふ頭駅) on the Aonami Line (あおなみ線).
Admission: Adults 900 Yen on the day or advance tickets for 750 Yen. Two-day tickets 1,300 Yen. Advance tickets available from Circle K, Sunkus, Seven Eleven, Lawson and Mini-Stop. Up to 2 children of elementary school age or younger can enter for free with a paying adult.


Japanese Cultural Event:
”Shodo Class” (Calligraphy Class)

日本文化紹介 書道教室


Shodo is an important step towards understanding the Japanese culture. Shodō can be written in both kanji and hiragana so anyone, including absolute beginners, can participate. This time we will write a Nenga-jo (New Year’s Greeting Card ). To make a reservation call or e-mail the NPO International Cross Culture Promotion Center on 080-1559-9744 or e-mail

Where: Will Aichi (Aichi Women’s Center) Fourth Floor Japanese-style Room1
When: Sun. 16 Nov. (18:30 – 20:00)
Access: Close to Shiyakusho Subway Station (市役所駅) on the Meijo Subway Line (地下鉄名城線)
Cost: Foreign Residents 700 Yen


The 36th Gifu Asia Film Festival

© 2012, Razor Film Produktion GmbH, High Look Group Rotana Studios All Rights Reserved.
© 2012, Razor Film Produktion GmbH, High Look Group
Rotana Studios All Rights Reserved.

This festival screens movies from various countries around Asia, and this year, there will be ten movies from Japan, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran, Israel, India, Korea, Indonesia, and China. The festival will be running over a period of five weeks, and there will also be four supplementary Japanese movies from the 60’s and 70’s!

Exploring various themes, the movies will present the audience with a rich variety of culture and lifestyle existent in this vast continent. Some of the issues which are touched upon include the economy in India, Dementia, mistaken identity, and the lives of children.

When: Sat. 1 Nov. to Sun. 7 Dec.
Where: Check the program on the website for venue details. There are three locations, approximately 5-20 minutes on foot from Gifu Station (岐阜駅).
Cost: Tickets are sold in lots of 1, 3, and 10 at 800, 2100, 5,000 Yen respectively, and can be split up and used among a number of people if required. Tickets can be purchased at Gifu Bunka Center, Gifu Shimin Kaikan, Nagaragawa Kokusai Kaigijo and Ticket Pia.


Go-Betweens: The World Seen Through Children

「ゴー・ビトゥイーンズ: こどもを通して見る世界」展
Suhel Nafar & Jacqueline Reem Salloum Yala to the Moon (2011)
Suhel Nafar & Jacqueline Reem Salloum
Yala to the Moon (2011)

Photographer Jacob A. Riis called the children of poor immigrants in America over 100 years ago “Go-Betweens”, as they often acted as mediators for their parents who had a very poor level of English.

While most children don’t yet have the maturity or strength to accomplish some of the tasks they carried out, with the peculiar advantage of not being bound by the usual framework that adults are commonly expected to work within, they went about their business. They have the ability to approach things with a free and open mind. As they confront the unknown world, they are faced with hurdles which they overcome by exploiting their flexibility and clever instincts, taking advantage of the subtle things they notice, which sometimes go completely unnoticed by adults. The mysterious strength of these children is baffling, and provides us with some very thought provoking themes.

This exhibition aims to shed light on their personalities, perceptions, aspects of their society, family, education, and political backdrop. Twenty artists from around the world have used movies, photographs and pictures to portray the amazing qualities of these “Go-Betweens”. This eye-opening exhibition is a must-see!

When: Sat. 8 Nov. to Tue. 23 Dec. (9:30 – 17:00, and till 20:00 on Fridays). Last entry 30 minutes prior to closing times. Closed on Mondays, except 24 Nov. Closed on the following day (25 Nov.) instead.
Where: Nagoya City Art Museum (名古屋市美術館)
Access: An 8-minute walk from Fushimi Station (伏見駅) Exit 5 (5番出口) on the Higashiyama and Tsurumai Subway Lines (地下鉄東山線/鶴舞線); located in Shirakawa Koen (白川公園).
Cost: Adults 1,200 (1,000) Yen; Senior HS and College Students 700 (500) Yen; Junior HS and under gain free entry. Prices in brackets are for advance tickets or groups of 20 and more. Holders of a Physically Disabled Persons’ Handbook, and one accompanying person gain free entry.


The SAKAZ Collection – Japanese Poster Art

サカツ・コレクション 日本のポスター芸術
Sakura Beer Poster. Image courtesy of Hiroshige Museum of Art, Ena
Sakura Beer Poster.
Image courtesy of Hiroshige Museum of Art, Ena

When we hear someone talk about a typical poster from the past, we think of the large, charming and multi-colored lithographically printed specimens which were often included with products purchased from America at the end of the 19th century.

The Japanese quickly fell in love with the concept, and decided to embrace the practice of making large posters of their own. Influenced by their own unique art styles, the Japanese created some truly outstanding poster designs. While serving as a highly practical piece of marketing material, the posters also have a unique style of their own, loved by many around the world.

At this exhibition, you’ll see about eighty works, which were selected from the impressive SAKAZ Collection comprised of over 500 works. Take a step back in time and see the beauty of these original posters in person!

When: Until Sun. 30 Nov. (9:30 – 17:00). Last entry 16:30. Closed on Mondays. Closed on the day following a national holiday (except when it falls on a weekend or national holiday). Also closed Tue. 4 Nov. to Thu. 6 Nov. and Tue. 25 Nov.
Where: Hiroshige Museum of Art, Ena (広重美術館) Access: A 2-minute walk to the south from Ena Station (恵那駅) on the JR Chuo Main Line (JR中央本線).
Cost: Adults 820 (660) Yen; Senior HS Students and under 510 (410) Yen. Elementary Students and under gain free entry. Prices in brackets are for groups of 20 or more.


Messe Nagoya 2014



MESSE NAGOYA is a comprehensive international exhibition that cuts across boundaries of different types of industry and business conditions to get the word out broadly both within Japan and overseas on the products and services of the exhibitors, while also striving to help them expand sales channels and form personal connections.

Thanks to all participants to date, it has expanded in size each year, and in 2013 it came to a successful conclusion with a record-high 833 exhibiting companies and organizations and an impressive 61,751 visitors. The many participants who set up displays experienced sound business results.

The organizing committee is anticipating another fruitful event at this year’ s MESSE NAGOYA. The theme this year is “Taking New Strides Forward That Generate Interactions: The Environment, Safety, and Manufacturing”.

★ In addition, you’ll find the Nagoya Enterprise Showcase (Presentations & Exhibitions) where companies will be promoting their products and skills. It’s sure to create a good platform for business talks and networking opportunities (at Exhibition Hall 2).

When: Wed. 5 Nov. to Sat. 8 Nov. (10:00 – 17:00)
Where: Port Messe Nagoya (ポートメッセなごや)
Access: A 5-minute walk from Kinjo-futo Station (金城ふ頭駅) on the Aonami Line (あおなみ線).
Cost: Free
Further Information: Call the Secretariat of MESSE NAGOYA Executive Committee (c/o Nagoya Chamber of Commerce & Industry) on052-223-5708, Fax 052-231-5703, or E-mail


World Food + Fure-i Festa



Rotary International’s 2nd annual World Food and Fure-i Festa will be held on November 1-3 (10:00 – 17:00) in Hisaya Odori Park. There will be a wide variety of food from many different countries, photos, a quiz, games for kids. It’s also a great way for international people to interact with each other! Funds will also be collected for charity, so why not go along, enjoy some great food, meet some awesome people, and contribute to a worthwhile cause.


Nagoya City Living Guides


Nagoya Living Guide
Do you have your copy of the info-packed Nagoya City Living Guide? Printed in colour, this easy to understand guide is full of useful information for everyday matters like housing, jobs, waste separation and collection, hospitals and insurance, disasters and more.

You can get a hard copy at the NIC info counter, your local ward office, or download one from our website at

The guides are also available in Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Vietnamese and Japanese (with furigana).


November is ”Know Your Garbage
and Recyclables” Month


Are you separating your garbage and recyclables correctly? Let’s have a quick refresher on how to separate household waste. Recyclable plastic and paper containers and packaging, as well as plastic bottles, are marked with symbols (see below) which specify the material type. By checking these symbols, you will be able to correctly separate your recyclables.

Garbage and recyclables should be placed into the designated garbage bags and put out for collection by 8:00 on the designated day (7:00 for Naka Ward).
Burnable garbage, non-burnable garbage and plastic containers and packaging should be put out in front of your residence (or designated location) in the designated garbage bags. Paper containers and packaging, plastic bottles, cans, and glass bottles should be separated into their designated garbage bags and deposited at your local recycling stations.

For any enquiries, please call the Operations Division of the Environmental Affairs Bureau on 052-972-2385 (in Japanese). If you need an interpreter, use the NIC’s Trio-Phone service on 052-581-6112.


World Conference on Education
for Sustainable Development (ESD)


During the world conference, there will be a large variety of activities taking place.
See the website for more information.

Information in English:
Information in Japanese:


Please be aware that all aforementioned event times, locations, and prices are subject to change without notice.


[NIC Events Information]

henri daros