Monthly Archives: July 2015


5 Crimes Peculiar To Japan

                                               5 crimes peculiar to Japan   

Japan is often perceived as a safe country. The nation of 127 million people boasts some of the lowest rates in the world for serious crimes such as murder, robbery, and rape. In addition, Japan continually ranks high on the Global Peace Index. And while it may sometimes seem like stalking and crime against children is rampant in Japan (the stalking rate hit a record high of 22,823 this year, up from 21,000 in 2013), this perception comes largely from widespread media exposure. In the U.S., for example, it is estimated that 6.6 million people are stalked per year.

While serious crime may not rank as high as in other developed countries, there are plenty of the other offenses that Japan excels at, and the country has its share of unscrupulous nationals. These are the things you probably haven’t heard so much about. Today we look at five crimes, some of them strangely Japan-specific.

Here is our list, in no particular order.

1. Sagi

“Sagi” means fraud or scam, and is very visible in Japan in the form of door-to-door sales to “ore-ore” phone calls where the perpetrator poses as the victim’s relative (“ore-ore” means “It’s me, it’s me!”) and asks the victim to send money urgently in order to help them out of a scrape. ATMs in Japan often have signs positioned beside them, questioning people’s motives for taking out cash, asking “You didn’t receive an ‘ore ore’ phone call asking for money, did you?” or “Are you sure it’s not a scam?”

Longer ago, deceptive scams were carried out by door-to-door salesmen who would sell 300,000-yen futons to mostly elderly people. On the small island of 550 people where I live, there are few households that have been immune to high-pressure salesmen at some point, including scam roof repairs, massage chair purchases and, yes, futons.

It seems odd that so many people would fall for such scams, but when the national television broadcaster endorses products featured in their daytime TV shows and solicits telephone sales after the program, and when at 7 p.m. other Japanese TV stations start airing advertisements for miracle pills and exercise equipment with toll-free numbers, it’s no wonder that many people can’t tell the difference between genuine and speculative advertising.

2. Enjokosai

“Enjokosai,” or compensated dating, is a concept that originated in Japan but has since spread to other Asian countries such as Taiwan and South Korea. In short, “enjokosai” usually involves high school girls dating much older men in exchange for cash, gifts, or simply being spoiled rotten during their time together. The tricky part here is that, in a uniquely Japanese twist on something as mundane as prostitution, “enjokosai” doesn’t always involve sexual intercourse.

Consider that you could go to Tokyo’s Kabuki-cho and see men holding signs advertising the opportunity to touch women’s breasts for 30 minutes for just a few thousand yen, and that in the ’80s there were “no panties cafes” (“no-pan kissa”) where the waitresses walked on mirrored floors wearing skirts but no underpants. While many school girls do go all the way (illegal), just as many don’t and simply enjoy being taken to fancy establishments on dates with men who are over 40 years old (legal). While some receive cash, others prefer being showered with luxury goods (status symbols in Japanese society) instead.

3. Recycle trucks

Anyone who has lived in Japan will recognize the sound of the recycle trucks with speakers mounted on them, cruising the neighborhood bellowing out a canned recording saying they’ll take your unwanted computers, CD cassette players, refrigerators, air conditioners, TVs, washing machines off your hands – for a price. Readers in the West may wonder why anyone would pay to throw their old junk away, but, particularly for those living in the city, disposing of larger items like these can actually be quite the hassle in Japan, and not as simple as driving them to the dump.

According to the Home Appliance Recycling Law that went into effect in 2001, consumers must pay a recycling fee when they take appliances to a retail outlet for disposal. (I recently paid 6,900 yen to dispose of a refrigerator). These high recycling fees have prompted unscrupulous people to start recycle businesses – charging people less for pick-up than the retail outlets and then dumping the goods in the countryside, onto an abandoned private lot somewhere, or even into the sea.

Others may ship the goods overseas to a developing country where someone can resell the used but still functioning products. Others still will send the appliances to China where they’ll salvage the metals out of it. These ships are often illegal and create their own hazards (safety, chemical spills, fires, etc) as a result. This is part of a wider, illegal dumping problem in Japan which includes the illegal disposal of industrial waste.

4. Crimes committed by the elderly

According the criminal statistics of the National Police Agency and a government White Paper on Crime, petty infractions such as shoplifting are increasingly carried out by Japan’s rapidly aging population (65 and older). Out of 48,559 crimes committed by the elderly in 2012, 59% involved shoplifting with a significantly higher proportion of elderly women initiating the thefts.

Debunking the widely accepted theory that crimes decrease with an individual’s age, Japan indicates that its own societal changes are a contributing factor to the proliferating crime by senior citizens. While seniors are living well beyond retirement age, they are also increasingly isolated from their social networks such as family and friends and face decreased prospects of living with their children.

5. Fetish Crimes

Japan seems to be the land of fetishes. Groping, especially on trains, has become such a problem that women-only carriages are now offered during peak commuting hours. Panties are a big fetish too, as well as stealing them which is perhaps one of the reasons in Japan you always hang up your underwear to dry inside away from prying eyes. Sometimes the panties don’t even make it to the clothes line. Once on a sailing trip, I went to a coin-operated laundry near the port in Miyazaki, Kyushu. I went to get a bite to eat while my clothes were washing and by the time I came back to retrieve them, my panties were already gone, snatched from the machine.

Some people blame Japan’s anime and manga industries for highlighting and spreading a plethora of the more wretched fetishes, from urinating while still in your clothes to the more futuristic menstruating boys. Of course, fetishes in themselves are not necessarily criminal, but unfortunately, some people just don’t know where to draw the line.



Why Is Wine so Expensive in Japan?

Yasunori Takano
Partner, Parabola Consulting
Japan Today, Insight
Jul. 09, 2015

That said, there are certain products that remain significantly more expensive in Tokyo than elsewhere. According to the survey basic groceries are 43 percent more expensive in Tokyo than in New York (the survey benchmark). Wine and cheese in particular are significant components in our basket and are at a significant premium compared to back home.

Over the next couple of articles we’ll be exploring the reason for this and offering some buying tips to get better value for money. So if you’re a wine and/or cheese lover—do read on.

Let’s start with wine
Wine is two t0 three times more expensive in Japan than in Europe, although it should be noted that due to 100 percent import duties, it’s even more expensive in Singapore.) Take for example one of our favourite Cotes du Rhone: it’s on sale at La Vinia wine shop in Paris for US$11.50. Meanwhile, the recommended retail price in Japan is $21.60. Strip out the consumption tax (20 percent and 8 percent for France and Japan respectively) and we’re comparing $9.70 with $20.

So why the doubling of the price? Well let’s consider first of all the wine’s journey. It will have been bought from the winery for around 50 percent of the French retail – call that $5. Shipping to Japan costs around $1 per bottle, another $1 is required to cover import duty and consumption tax at 8 percent is then payable on the combined amount. That gives us a landed Japan price of $7.50. The cost of storage and transportation in Japan is not cheap so we need to add another $1—that equals $8.50. So far so good—little difference from the price back home.

But we’ve got to sell the stuff and there begins the hard part.

In a nutshell, people simply don’t drink enough to sustain a relatively over supplied market.

Although wine consumption has been steadily increasing in Japan—indeed a 50 percent increase between 2011 and 2013—it is still only four bottles per person per year. This compares with 60 bottles for France, 27 bottles for the United Kingdom and 14 bottles for the USA. (In case you were wondering, consumption in China is a paltry two bottles per person per year but sharply increasing.)

Meanwhile, the Japanese market enjoys a very high status to the extent that every producer worth his or her salt “wants to be in Japan.” Result? A very over supplied market relative to consumption. So as a consumer you’re getting fabulous choice but you have to pay for it as distributing and selling wine in Japan is a painstaking process.

Here’s why
As an importer of a wine your main concern is obviously to distribute the stuff. Although international restaurants in central Tokyo seem to get through a decent quota of high end wine, the overall market is very different. Did you know that over 80 percent of the market is in the $1,500 per bottle range and dominated by supermarkets, convenience stores and discounters (52.5 percent)? A large number of these wines will have been imported in bulk and bottled in Japan to save costs (clue: look at the back label and if it’s all in Japanese it is likely to be a bulk import). Best avoided—life is too short to drink bad wine, after all.

The premium wine market in Japan, therefore, represents the very tip of the iceberg. And it’s a very crowded place with myriad importers all hoping to get lucky. As an importer once your wine arrives in Japan – typically a minimum quantity of a pallet (equivalent to 50 cases or 600 bottles) begins the arduous process of selling it. This typically entails an enormous amount of shoe leather, traipsing around Tokyo’s 150,000 bars and restaurants, attending trade tastings and organising events. A successful bar or restaurant visit might give you a sale of a case or two and you’d be lucky to have more than one a day.

As an importer you’re also subject to a significant amount of cash flow and foreign exchange risk as it can be as much as six  months between paying for the wine ex cellar (in local currency) and receiving cash in (in JPY).

Add to that Japan’s perfection psychosis whereby bottles with minor cosmetic imperfections such as damaged labels are effectively unsalable means that there is a significant amount of product wastage to factor in.

Once in a shop it’s a similar story: a low sales volume relative to high fixed costs of doing business. The average consumer buys by the single bottle with all the attendant mollycoddling. Understandable after all: Tokyo apartments are hardly famed for their capaciousness and few beyond hedge fund managers have proper wine cellars. But it’s an expensive process.

This all makes for high margins: 10-30 percent for the importer—more for boutique wineries, less for large scale distribution—and another 20-40 percent for the retailer. Combine those margins and that brings us to the magical $20 Japan retail price on our beloved bottle of Cotes du Rhone.

The good news
So fine wine is indeed expensive in Japan but for very understandable reasons. Would be importers, don’t give up your day job yet. As they often say, the easiest way to make a small fortune is to start off with a big one in the wine trade and I don’t recall the last time I saw an importer in a Maybach!

The good news is that fine wine doesn’t have to be expensive. Here are some of our tips for wine lovers seeking value:

  1. Buy directly and in as large volumes as possible.
    You can normally haggle a 20 percent discount for an unmixed case which takes a big chunk out of the Japan premium.
  2. Seek out damaged goods.
    If the label is a little torn you’ll be able to get a decent discount as it is unsaleable to the local market. Some importers even organise damaged bottle sales.
  3. Make the most of trips back home.
    Stock up and bring items back to Japan. Although the duty free limit is only three bottles, there is nothing stopping you from bringing in a case or two, declaring them at customs and paying the duty. It’s only going to set you back around ¥1,200 a case so you’re getting a huge savings.
  4. Import yourself
    If you’ve got a favourite producer back home get a group of friends or colleagues together and organise your own pallet—or even container.
  5. Join our direct from France wine club.
    Receive wines by the case directly from the producer
  6. Beware discount shops.
    These stores often bring in wine on the so-called “gray market” (nothing illegal here, it just means that it doesn’t come through the official importer) as storage conditions are often far from ideal to the detriment of the wine.

If you have any questions, need more information or would like to buy or import wine, please contact us by email or direct line at 03-6805-1926. We’re here to help.

Kanpai (cheers) and happy drinking!

[ Japan Today, Insight ]

Henri Daros




Traditional Events

◆Cormorant Fishing on the Kiso River 木曽川うかい

Photo courtesy of Inuyama Tourist Association
Photo courtesy of Inuyama Tourist Association

Ukai (鵜飼) is fishing using specially-trained cormorants (U) to catch, swallow, and regurgitate the fish.

A unique technique passed down through the generations, the first written record of ukai on the Kiso River dates back to 702. Since 1909 it has been one of the area’s premier tourist attractions. Weather and river conditions pending, there are daily ukai tours in Inuyama until the early autumn. Tours last between 1 hr 15 min. (without meal) and 2 hrs 30 min. (with meal) and visitors are taken out on special viewing boats to within close proximity of the fishing boats. There are ukai tours in other parts of Japan, but Inuyama is unique in that ukai fishing is done in the day time as well as at night.

Daytime Ukai

Until 15 Oct. 11:30 – 14:00 on Tue., Thu., Sat. (except 9 Aug. – 12 Aug.)

Cost: Adults 4,500 (4,800) Yen, Children (age 4-12) 3,300 (3,450) Yen; Includes meal. Prices in ( ) are for peak dates.

Evening Ukai

– Dinner tours: until 31 Aug. 17:45 – 20:10; 1 Sep. – 15 Oct. 17:15 – 19:45. (No tours 10 Aug.)

Cost: Adults 2,600 (2,900) Yen, Children (age 4-12) 1,300 (1,450) Yen. Meal not included. Meals can be ordered when making a reservation. (Meal selection & prices available on website) A 350 Yen charge per person applies
for bringing your own food & drink. Prices in ( ) are for peak dates.

– Sightseeing tours: until 31 Aug. 19:00 – 20:10; 1 Sep. – 15 Oct. 18:30 – 19:45. (No tours 10 Aug.)

Cost: see Dinner tours above.

Reservations: Kisogawa Kanko, phone: 0568-61-2727 (9:30-18:00). Cancelation charges apply. Reservations required for all tours, at least 3 days in advance for tours with meals.

Where: Kiso River (木曽川), Inuyama City (犬山市)

Access: The Ukai Boat Boarding Area is a 5-minute walk north from Inuyama Yuen Station (犬山遊園駅) East Exit (東口) on the Meitetsu Inuyama Line (名鉄犬山線).

Website: (Japanese)


Festivals and fireworks in July

◆Toyohashi Gion Matsuri 豊橋祇園祭

Photo courtesy of Toyohashi Gion Matsuri Committee
Photo courtesy of Toyohashi Gion Matsuri Committee

Although the procession accompanying the deity is the central ritual, the festival is famous for the fireworks events held in the preceding days.

Fireworks: Friday, 17 Jul. (18:40 – 22:00) – traditional hand-held and cascading firework display. Sat. 18 Jul. (18:00 – 21:00) – aerial firework display – around 12,000 fireworks! Sun. 19 Jul. (from 17:00) – procession.

When: From Fri. 17 to Sun. 19 Jul.

Where: Yoshida Shrine (吉田神社) on 17 Jul. On the banks of the Toyogawa River (豊川) behind Yoshida Shrine on 18 Jul. The procession departs from Yoshida Shrine (吉田神社) on 19 Jul.

Access: A 20-minute walk from Toyohashi Station (豊橋駅) on the Meitetsu Nagoya Line (名鉄名古屋本線). Take the Toyohashi City Line Tram (豊橋市内線) to Fudagi (札木) Stop for Yoshida Shrine, and Toyohashi Kōenmae (豊橋公園前) Stop for the free fireworks viewing area.


The 7th Centrair Bon-Odori 第7回セントレア盆踊り

Why not try the traditional summer evening ritual of Bon-Odori (Bon dancing) in a not-so-traditional setting – on the airport observation deck!

When: Sun. 19 Jul. (18:30 – 20:00); In the event of rain, the event will be postponed to Mon. 20 Jul.

Where: Centrair (Chubu International Airport) Passenger Terminal 4F Sky Deck

Access: Central Japan International Airport Station (中部国際空港駅) on the Meitetsu Airport Line (名鉄空港線)


The 69th Ocean Day Nagoya Port Festival Fireworks

Photo courtesy of the Port of Nagoya
Photo courtesy of the Port of Nagoya

The fireworks show synonymous with summer at Nagoya Port held on the Umi no Hi (Ocean Day) national holiday, the last day of the Nagoya Port Festival. Some 370,000 spectators gathered last year to be thrilled by around 3,000 fireworks, including the richly artistic ‘star mine’. The ‘melody fireworks’ presented as the show’s finale are synchronised to music which can be heard via the multitude of speakers installed around the venue.

When: Mon. 20 Jul. (19:30 – 20:20). Fireworks will still be held in rain, but cancelled in the event of stormy weather.

Where: Nagoya Port (名古屋港), around the Garden Pier (ガーデンふ頭) area.

Access: A short walk from Nagoya Port Station (名古屋港駅) on the Meiko Subway Line (地下鉄名港線). Recommended viewing spots are wharf 2 and 3 in front of the Port Building (ポートビル) or on the green space south of the Port of Nagoya Aquarium (名古屋港水族館). Find a spot where you can enjoy an unobstructed view of the fireworks.

Website: (Japanese)


◆The 60th Textile Thanksgiving Ichinomiya Tanabata Star Festival

Photo courtesy of Ichinomiya City
Photo courtesy of Ichinomiya City

The 60th Textile Thanksgiving Ichinomiya Tanabata Star Festival 第60回おりもの感謝祭一宮七夕まつり
The extravagant decorations make this one of Japan’s big three Tanabata festivals (Sendai and Hiratsuka host the other two), visited by over a million people each year. Highlights include a 500-meter long procession to dedicate an offering of locally-produced woolen textiles, a Jinrikisha (rickshaw) procession and a Bon dance.
Ichinomiya’s main line location (JR Tokaido and Meitetsu) make it easily accessible from across the region.

When: From Thu. 23 to Sun. 26 Jul.

Where: Around JR Owari-Ichinomiya Station (JR尾張一宮駅) and Meitetsu Ichinomiya Station (名鉄一宮駅)

Access: Using JR, go to Owari-Ichinomiya Station (尾張一宮駅) on the JR Tokaido Main Line (JR東海道本線). Using Meitetsu, go to Meitetsu Ichinomiya Station (名鉄一宮駅) on the Meitetsu Main Line (名鉄本線).


◆Gamagori Festival 蒲郡まつり

Photo courtesy of Gamagori City
Photo courtesy of Gamagori City

Saturday’s attractions will include a tug-of-war tournament, Yosakoi dancing, and lots of stalls. On Sunday there’ll be such features as a yukata fashion show, a karaoke contest, and a musical, as well as the festival highlight, the Summer Evening Fireworks featuring three Shosanjakudama (正三尺玉花火) fireworks. Reaching a whopping 650m in diameter when exploded, these breathtaking fireworks are the biggest to be launched on the Pacific coast.

When: Sat. 25 and Sun. 26 Jul. (Fireworks on 26 Jul. [19:30 – 21:00]).

Where: Gamagori Citizens Hall (蒲郡市民会館), Takeshima Pier (竹島埠頭), Gamagori Pier (蒲郡埠頭), and other locations around the sea-front in Gamagori City (蒲郡市) Aichi

Access: A 5- to 10-minute walk from JR or Meitetsu Gamagori Stations (JR・名鉄蒲郡駅)


◆Toyota Oiden Matsuri 豊田おいでんまつりファイナル・花火大会

Photo courtesy of Toyota Oiden Matsuri Executive Committee
Photo courtesy of Toyota Oiden Matsuri Executive Committee

The Saturday night Oiden Final will see around 150 lively teams dancing energetically through the streets of central Toyota. Sunday’s Grand Fireworks will feature around 13,000 fireworks including a ‘wide star mine’ (5 star mines set off simultaneously) and a 30-metre high ‘Huge Niagara Falls.’

When: The Oiden Final (おいでんファイナル) on Sat. 25 Jul. (17:00 – 20:30). Grand Fireworks on Sun. 26 Jul. (19:10 – 21:00)

Where: On the streets around the east side of Meitetsu Toyota-Shi Station, and at Shirahama Park (白浜公園) on the banks of the Yahagi River (矢作川), Toyota City (豊田市)

Access: A 10-minute walk to Shirahama Park from Toyotashi Station (豊田市駅) on the Meitetsu Toyota Line (名鉄豊田線); accessible from the Tsurumai Subway Line (地下鉄鶴舞線).


◆Kariya Mando Matsuri 刈谷万燈祭

Photo courtesy of Kariya City
Photo courtesy of Kariya City

An Intangible Folk Cultural Asset of Aichi Prefecture, this traditional festival has a history of more than 230 years. Each warrior-shaped Mando (lit. “ten thousand lanterns”) lantern, measuring 5m tall and weighing around
60kg, is carried by one young man, who dances heroically to the accompanying o-hayashi flute and drum music. The first day’s event is known as Shingaku (新楽), in which the Mando wind through the streets. In the second day’s event, the Hongaku (本楽), dancing is presented as an offering within the grounds of Akiba Shrine.

When: Sat. 25 Jul. (16:30 – 22:00) and Sun. 26 Jul. (16:50 – 22:00)

Where: Akiba Shrine (秋葉社) and surrounds, central Kariya City (刈谷市), Ginza (銀座) 2-101

Access: A 5-minute walk north from Kariya-shi Station (刈谷市駅) on the Meitetsu Mikawa Line (名鉄三河線).


◆27th Komaki Heisei Summer Festival 第27回小牧平成夏まつり

Photo courtesy of Komaki City

An innovative variation on the illuminated float festival, the Komaki Heisei Summer Festival was inspired by a festival held in Komaki’s friendship city – Yakumo Town in Hokkaido. This year, as Komaki City commemorates its 60th anniversary, the 27th festival will feature 21 illuminated floats along with dancing and taiko drum performances turning up the heat higher than ever. Sunday’s finale includes a collaborative performance consisting of traditional Japanese hand-held fireworks, American fireworks, and Japanese taiko drums. A fun and exciting festival for everyone to enjoy.

When: Sat. 25 Jul. (17:15 – 21:00) and Sun. 26 Jul. (17:20 – 21:30)

Where: 25 Jul. (19:00 – 21:00): from Komaki-shi Shimin Kaikan (小牧市市民会館) to Komaki Station East Melody Park (小牧駅東メロディーパーク); 26 Jul. (19:00 – 20:50): from Melody Park to Komaki-shi Shimin Kaikan

Access: From Heiandori Station (平安通駅) on the Kamiiida Subway Line (地下鉄上飯田線), transfer to an Inuyama (犬山) OR Komaki (小牧) bound train and get off at Komaki Station (小牧駅). Approximately 5 minutes’ walk from the station. Free parking for 100 cars available at Komaki City Hall (小牧市役所).

Inquiries: Komaki Heisei Summer Festival Executive Committee Administration Office, Phone: 0568-76-1173 (Japanese)


◆Kakuozan Summer Festival 覚王山夏祭

Features an art & craft and retro & antique flea market, and exciting performances including Balinese dance with gamelan and samba on the stage. There’s also a nostalgic game corner and workshop, and international food and beverage stalls at the Beer Matsuri. A specially-designed fan will be distributed to the first 100 visitors in yukata (summer kimono) on each day.

When: Sat. 25 and Sun. 26 Jul. (14:00 – 21:00)

Where: In front of Nittaiji Temple (日泰寺), Chikusa Ward (千種区)

Access: A 1-minute walk up the hill from Kakuozan Station (覚王山駅) Exit 1 (1番出口) on the Higashiyama Subway Line (地下鉄東山線).


◆The 65th Osu Summer Festival 第65回大須夏まつり

A very popular street festival held in the streets in and around the Osu shopping arcade. Highlights include samba dancing, a taiko drum performance, and World Cosplay Summit events.

When: Sat. 1 and Sun. 2 Aug. (12:00 – 22:00)

Where: Osu Arcade (大須商店街), Naka-ku (中区)

Access: A 3-minute walk from Osu Kannon Station (大須観音駅), Exit 1, on the Subway Tsurumai Line (地下鉄鶴舞線)


Cross-Cultural Events

◆Summer Party – an International Exchange Event

Japanese and non-Japanese can meet and mingle in a casual party setting, with recreational games, prizes, and a chance to learn about Japanese culture, with a traditional Bon festival dance, and a Japanese drum performance (which you can also try). All this, and a buffet-style light meal!

When: Sun. 26 Jul. (18:30 – 20:30)

Where: Nagoya International Center Annex Hall (Kokusai Center Subway Station, Exit 2)

Admission: 1000 Yen for foreign residents, 2000 Yen for Japanese nationals; reservations are required.

Reservations / inquiries: NPO International Cross Culture Promotion Center,
E-mail:; Phone: 080-1559-9744


Please be aware that all aforementioned event times, locations, and prices
are subject to change without notice.


( NIC Events Information )

henri daros


JULI ( JULY ) 2015


Japanese Wave

Japanese Wave


20 Juli, Senin

Hari Samudra / Hari Bahari
(Umi no Hi / Marine Day)


Bedug, Crowne Plaza Jakarta (Foto Henri Daros)

Bedug, Crowne Plaza Jakarta (Foto Henri Daros)


Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1436H
(The end of fasting period; Islamic)

17 Juli,  Jumat
1 Syawal 1436H (Day 1)
18 Juli, Sabtu
2 Syawal 1436H (Day 2)


