Monthly Archives: May 2015




Liburan ‘Golden Week 2015’ telah lewat, namun sayang jika sebuah selingan tak terduga terlewat begitu saja tanpa sekilas catatan, apalagi tanpa gambar kenangan. Tak terduga, setidaknya buat saya, lantaran jadwal peristiwanya tidak sempat saya ketahui sebelumnya, meskipun mungkin sudah terjadwal secara resmi dan sudah diketahui pula oleh banyak orang lainnya. Karena itu juga saya menyebutnya sebagai ‘selingan’, maklum selama pekan liburan ‘Golden Week’ itu tak ada tempat khusus lain yang disambangi dan tak ada kesibukan lain selain kesibukan di ruang kerja saya sendiri di kampus.

Peristiwa tersebut tak lain dari kegiatan tahunan pertemuan para siswa-siswi SLTA yang tergabung dalam Asosiasi Sekolah Menengah Swasta Jepang, yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Para Guru Swasta Wilayah Tokai, Jepang Tengah. Saya lantas teringat bahwa bukan baru pertama kalinya Kampus Nanzan dipilih sebagai ajang kegiatan tahunan ini, dan gambar-gambarnya pun sudah pernah saya ambil. Namun, patut diakui, belum pernah saya tampilkan informasinya melalui blog ini.


Gelanggang Olahraga Terbuka Universitas Nanzan yang kali ini dijadikan sebagai lokasi utama acara & kegiatan para siswa. Kota Nagoya tampak samar di luar sana, juga tengah dirundung hujan. (Foto Henri Daros)

Gelanggang Olahraga Terbuka Universitas Nanzan yang kali ini dijadikan sebagai lokasi utama acara & kegiatan para siswa. Kota Nagoya tampak samar di luar sana, maklum sedang dirundung hujan. (Foto Henri Daros)


Tempat tinggal saya yang terletak persis di pinggiran timur jalan masuk ke kampus memungkinkan saya untuk langsung bisa mengetahui sejak pagi kesibukan khusus apa yang sedang terjadi, selain kesibukan rutin para mahasiswa datang dan pergi pada hari-hari kuliah.

Demikian pun pada hari Senin pagi tanggal 4 Mei itu, ketika saya mengira hari akan berlangsung tenang di tengah suasana libur ‘Golden Week’, namun ternyata jalanan masuk sudah penuh oleh anak-anak remaja SLTA dalam suasana riuh dan ceria. Langkah-langkah saya memasuki kampus menuju ruang kerja pun jadinya sering tertahan.

Apa yang tak terduga pula ialah keadaan cuaca. Langit yang mendadak mendung disusul hujan rintik-rintik seakan menantang kelangsungan acara para siswa ini. Namun, dari lantai atas gedung tempat ruang kerja saya dengan jelas dapat dilihat bahwa kemeriahan sekaligus ketertiban acara para siswa itu sedikitpun tidak terganggu. Ada rasa kagum ketika menyaksikannya.


Panggung Utama untuk aneka pentasan, kali ini dibangun di samping belakang Gedung Olahraga Universitas Nanzan. (Foto Henri Daros)

Panggung Utama untuk aneka pentasan, kali ini dibangun di samping belakang Gedung Olahraga Universitas Nanzan. (Foto Henri Daros)


Hujan pun tidak menghalangi para pengunjung yang terus berdatangan. Aneka acara dan kegiatan para siswa, baik dalam ruang maupun luar ruang, tampaknya tak berkurang daya tariknya oleh gerimis hujan yang terus turun.

Cukup beruntung, meski cuma sesekali beranjak keluar dari ruang kerja, ketika terasa perlu meregangkan otot, keseluruhan suasana tertangkap cukup baik melalui lensa kamera berkat letak ruang kerja saya yang cukup strategis di ketinggian gedung.


Aneka 'stand' penjualan hasil kreativitas para siswa, di sepanjang jalanan tengah kampus. (Foto Henri Daros)

Aneka ‘stand’ penjualan hasil kreativitas para siswa, di sepanjang jalanan tengah kampus. (Foto Henri Daros)


Namun, saat yang paling mengesankan ialah ketika sekelompok besar para siswa, sambil berdiri tertib di bawah gerimis,  menyanyikan lagu ‘Furusato’, didukung oleh sekelompok paduan suara, dengan para anggotanya berdiri berpayung di panggung utama.

Melodi manis yang menggeletar indah, dengan lirik yang menggelitik emosi, dalam tangga nada serta ritme yang bervariasi, betapa sahdu namun seakan berseru-seru memanggil  …  tampak banyak siswa mengusap mata.


Di bawah gerimis hujan para siswa menyanyikan lagu 'FURUSATO' nan melodius, lagu puji & cinta tentang desa tempat kelahiran. Sangat menggugah ... (Foto Henri Daros)

Di bawah gerimis hujan para siswa menyanyikan lagu ‘FURUSATO’ nan melodius, lagu puji & cinta tentang desa tempat kelahiran. Sangat menggugah … (Foto Henri Daros)


[ Words by TAKANO Tatsuyuki, 1914 // Music by OKANO Teiichi ]

Usagi oishi kano yama,
kobuna tsurishi kano kawa,
yume wa ima mo megurite,
wasure-gataki furusato.

Ikani imasu chichi-haha,
tsutsuganashi ya tomogaki,
ame ni kaze ni tsuketemo,
omoi-izuru furusato.

Kokorozashi o hatashite,
itsunohinika kaeran,
yama wa aoki furusato,
mizu wa kiyoki furusato.


Masih, lagu 'Furusato' bergema ... didukung oleh kelompok paduan suara, berpayung, di panggung utama ... (Foto Henri Daros)

Didukung oleh kelompok paduan suara,   berpayung, di panggung utama … (Foto Henri Daros)


(Furusato, English Version by Greg Irwin)

Back in the mountains I knew as a child
Fish filled the rivers and rabbits ran wild
Memories, I carry these wherever I may roam
I hear it calling me, my country home

Mother and Father, how I miss you now
How are my friends I lost touch with somehow?
When the rain falls or the wind blows I feel so alone
I hear it calling me, my country home

I’ve got this dream and it keeps me away
When it comes true I’m going back there someday
Chrystal waters, mighty mountains blue as emerald stone
I hear it calling me, my country home


Bahkan ketika hujan turun semakin lebat, tetap tak beranjak. (Foto Henri Daros)

Bahkan ketika hujan turun semakin lebat, tetap tak beranjak. (Foto Henri Daros)



Kelompok paduan suara salah satu SLTA sedang beraksi di panggung utama, silih berganti dengan acara pembawaan puisi dan pentas musik modern serta tradisional oleh kelompok SLTA lainnya. (Foto Henri Daros)

Kelompok paduan suara salah satu SLTA sedang beraksi di panggung utama, silih berganti dengan acara pembawaan puisi dan pentas musik modern serta tradisional oleh kelompok SLTA lainnya. (Foto Henri Daros)


Henri Daros


Japanese Beloved Song about ‘Home’





The 38th Nagoya International Music Festival


Nagoya International Music Festival

Beginning in 1978, the Nagoya International Music Festival is held from spring through to early summer. Top artists from around the globe will be impressing you with their talent in seven world-class performances including opera, ballet, orchestra and recitals until July.

  • Swan Lake: Birmingham Royal Ballet on Wed. 6 May
  • A Collection of Mozart Symphonies: Mozarteum Orchester Salzburg on Fri. 29 May
  • Rossini’s ‘Barber of Seville’: Hungarian State Opera on Sat. 13 Jun.
  • Dresdner Philharmonie conducted by Michael Sanderling on Fri. 3 Jul.
  • Russian National Orchestra conducted by Mikhail Pletnev on Sat. 11 Jul.

Where: The Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater (愛知県芸術劇場)
Access: Approximately a 2 minute walk east from Sakae Station (栄駅) Exit 4 (4番出口) on the Higashiyama or Meijo Subway Lines (地下鉄東山線/名城線).
Tickets: Purchase online or at convenience stores through Ticket Pia and Lawson Ticket.


The 26th Classic Car Festival

Photo courtesy of Toyota Automobile Museum
Photo courtesy of Toyota Automobile Museum

Held in spring every year since the Toyota Motor Corporation established the Toyota Automobile Museum (in Nagakute City) in 1989, and now in its 26th year, this event aims to foster and continue the culture of the automobile through classic cars.
As well as a parade and exhibition of some 100 privately-owned classic cars, see some rare classic cars from the collection of the Toyota Automobile Museum in action, and hop in and pose for a photo. There will also be a road safety activity where both kids and adults can learn while having fun, and more events to enjoy on the stage.

When: Sun. 24 May (9:00 – 16:00)

Where: Moricoro Park (Expo 2005 Aichi Commemorative Park) (愛・地球博記念公園「モリコロパーク」), Nagakute City

Access: Change to the Linimo Line (リニモ) from Fujigaoka Station (藤が丘駅) on the Higashiyama Subway Line (地下鉄東山線) and get off at Ai・Chikyuhakukinenkoen Station (愛・地球博記念公園).

Admission: Free


Spring Orchid Exhibition
at Hisayaodori Gardens Flarie


Hisayaodori Gardens Flarie (formerly Ran no Yakata) reopened after renovations in September last year. Visitors can enjoy nature in an urban setting in a relaxed manner in 6 gardens with themes including flowers, green, and waterside, and take time out for a stroll, a meal, or shopping while feeling the nature around them, and entry is now free.
From 19 to 25 May, the Spring Orchid Exhibition will be held in the Crystal Garden (a large hothouse). Entry to the exhibition is also free.
Cattleya and dendrobiums, with eye-catching brilliant pink, are just some of the approximately 200 orchids on display. Orchids will also be available for purchase. Organized by the Nagoya Orchid Society.

When: Tue. 19 May to Mon. 25 May (Gardens 9:00 – 17:30 [9:00 – 16:00 on 25 May]; Flarie Café 9:00 – 18:00; Flower Shop Keikaen 10:00 – 18:00; Flarie Zakka Boutique 10:00 – 17:30; Italian Restaurant Quadrifoglio – Lunch 11:30 – 14:30 [until 15:00 on weekends and national holidays], Dinner 17:30 – 22:30; Beer and Wine Garden Garden Kitchen Flarie – Lunch 12:00 – 15:00 [weekends and national holidays, weather pending], Dinner 17:30 – 22:30)

Where: Hisayaodori Gardens Flarie (久屋大通庭園フラリエ), formerly Ran no Yakata

Access: Approximately a 3-minute walk from Yaba-cho Station (矢場町駅) Exit 4 (4番出口) on the Meijo Subway Line (地下鉄名城線).

Admission: Free


Understanding Japanese Culture – Ikebana



Learn about Ikebana, a part of Japanese traditional culture, to help deepen your understanding of Japanese culture. This 6-lesson course is open to international students enrolled at universities in Aichi Prefecture and their spouses.

When: Every Fri. from 22 May to 26 Jun. (18:30 – 19:45)

Where: International Student Center (国際留学生会館) Lecture Room (研修室)

Access: Approximately 200m south from Minato Kuyakusho Station (港区役所駅) Exit 2 (2番出口) on the Meiko Subway Line (地下鉄名港線).

How to apply: By e-mail to from 27 Apr. Applications must be received on or before 21 May. Up to 10 places are available on a first in, first served basis.

Cost: 2,000 Yen for 6 lessons


Please be aware that all aforementioned event times, locations, and prices
are subject to change without notice.


(NIC Events Information)

Henri Daros



The Art of Giving
and Receiving Change in Japan

By Oona McGee, RocketNews24
( Japan Today, May 07, 2015 )



If you’re tired of receiving vacant smiles and flippant customer service at your local grocery store, you may want to make a trip to Japan, where the customer always comes first and every transaction is concluded with a graceful bow.

This remarkable attention to customer service even extends to the handling of cash transactions in shops around the country. Akin to an art form, a simple payment to a store clerk in Japan will inevitably set off a series of steps and precise movements to satisfy the needs of both parties and respectively complete the exchange. Come with us as we take you through the steps of a simple transaction in Japan. The attention to detail and the clever reasons for it will surprise you.

The pictograph was created by Twitter user @M_Shiroh, who was so impressed with the cashier’s skill on a recent trip to the supermarket that they decided to document the details of the exchange.

Next time you make a purchase in Japan, make note of the way the cashier handles your change. If they’re good at their craft, you’ll receive your money in the following order and with a sense of gravitas befitting royalty.

1. Counting your notes

In Japan, notes are adorned with portraits on one side. The cashier will hold out the notes with these portraits facing you and the notes will be parallel to a wall as opposed to the floor. Using two hands, the amount will be counted out verbally as they flick through each note.

2. Handing over your notes

The notes will then be handed to you in a neat stack with the largest one on the bottom. When you put them in your wallet, your notes will now be in order from lowest to highest, making it more convenient for you when it comes to paying for your next transaction.

3. Handing over your coins and receipt

Next, the cashier will fold your receipt if it’s particularly long, and then place the coins neatly on top. By doing this, the receipt will protect the palm of your hand from coming into contact with any coins. You’ll then be able to slide the small change easily into your coin compartment and either return the receipt into the special box that’s often provided on the counter or slide it into your wallet. Cue graceful bow and you’re on your way.

Not only is this a wonderful way to treat the customer and ensure there are no mistakes or disputes, it’s also a great way to keep long queues moving quickly.

Source: ハム速


Henri Daros


MEI (MAY) 2015



Golden Week / Oogon Shuukan

3 Mei, Minggu (6 Mei, Rabu)
Hari Peringatan Konstitusi
 [ Kenpo Kinenbi / Constitution Memorial Day ]


4 Mei,  Senin
Hari Hijau
[ Midori no Hi / Greenery Day ]


5 Mei, Selasa
Hari Anak-Anak
[ Kodomo no Hi / Children’s Day ]




1 Mei, Jumat
Hari Buruh Internasional
International Labor Day ]

14 Mei, Kamis
Hari Raya Kenaikan Yesus Kristus
[ The Ascension of Jesus Christ; Christian ]


16 Mei, Sabtu
Hari Isra Mi’raj Nabi Muhammad
[ Prophet Muhammad’s ascent; Islamic ]


